Hepatitis C, access cutting-edge therapies to all patients.

"The drug-based Sofosbuvir, which is coming on the market this week is scheduled to meet with the regions to assess the economic impact of its commercialization." But clients seek answers right away and get ready for new protests.

Italy - The National Plan against Hepatitis is ready and the will of the government is to ensure the next generation of new drugs capable of eradicating the virus in all patients, which in Italy are more than 800 thousand. The reassurance comes from the Minister of Health. Patient groups, however, call for immediate action and are prepared to more protests. The National Plan, said the minister during question time in the House, "is ready and we are now trying to put a figure next to the Economic Plan for the eradication." The minister, however, the time to set up a fund for this purpose. An operation that will require significant resources, as the drug is expensive. The care with Sofosbuvir, costs about $ 84,000.

"The establishment of a specific fund." Disease, he said, is a "scourge to be eliminated in our country." For this reason, Lorenzin assured: "It 'I am determined to ensure that in the near future access of all patients to the new drug therapies through the establishment of an ad hoc fund for hepatitis C, which provides for the eradication of the disease few years. "However, "in the meantime - he explained - it was necessary to proceed to a modulation of access to treatment in order to ensure progressive treatment to all patients."

The active Sofosbuvir. The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), "identified a number of priorities for action, given the high cost of treatment and the number of patients." The minister also emphasized that "the imminent introduction in the Italian-based drug of the active
Sofosbuvir should be welcomed as the beginning of a new phase for the prevention of hepatitis that focuses on drug therapies that do not require the use of interferon for the future. "The definition of" criteria for access to these therapies, and to guarantee the sustainability of the system - he said - is my top priority, which I think is national and can not be controlled region by region according to the different budget. "The decision to market the drug, he added," will be published shortly in the journal official "but AIFA" has, however, granted access to compassionate care borne by the manufacturer for the sickest patients. "This week is also expected in the Ministry a meeting with representatives of the Regions" to assess the the overall economic impacts, the next market the drug. "

Patients ready to protest. Patients, however, are critical, and say they are ready for new initiatives, including a demonstration outside the Ministry of Economy, if there are no answers at the bottom for new drugs against the disease, president of the EPA C non-profit organization, following the letter of all the associations that calls on the government to fund a 700 million euro in ten years. The AIFA, "concluded the negotiation of Sofosbuvir, the first of a new series of drugs that can eradicate the virus in late September, but since then there have been no developments. After bombastic proclamations - he concludes - ministry of Health has washed his hands of the affair, this is unacceptable. "


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