Germany to Google: "Uncover the formula for the search engine"

The Minister of Justice Maas wants the giant of online search engine to make public the algorithm that has made its search engine the strongest in Europe, with a location that defines Berlin facto monopoly.

the google search engine
Germany raises the bar of his confrontation with Google. The Federal Minister of Justice, Heiko Maas (SPD, Social Democratic), wants the giant of online reveal, make public and accessible in short, the details of the secret formula that has made its search engine the strongest in Europe, with a Berlin location that defines de facto monopoly. The German demand is strongly opposed by the American company. In an interview in the Financial Times, Maas said Google has "become more transparent" than the algorithms of its search engine. Direct criticism American: Robert Kimmitt, former USA ambassador in the Bundesrepublik, noted that European businesses and European public opinion, especially in countries economy heavily oriented toward exports like Germany, "they need to open markets for their innovative products and should worry about similar requests to take control of intellectual property. "The request of the German minister came a week after the rejection of the European authorities in Brussels, the nth request that Google tried to compromise. "Ultimately," says Heiko Maas to the FT, "it all depends on how transparent the algorithm that Google uses for its search results, is an issue to be addressed when a search engine has a weight and important role for economic development. "
The Google algorithm is defined by experts "the secret recipe sauce perfect," and allows him to dominate the online search. Critics accuse Google of damage competitors, Google answers that reveal the 'recipe' would expose the sailors on the net for all kinds of spam and unlawfully give away their trade secrets to competitors. From time Germany is in the field against Google, accusing the other of damaging the copyright giving you the ability to download information and cultural content of the print and online media, content that is produced at the expense of the media here. At the same time, after the revelations of the scandal and Snowden-Datagate Nsa, Germany tries to refer to more than one controls the data traffic liner. "We want to introduce as soon as a single standard of data protection in the European Union, this is top priority for us," said the minister. The European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, wants a European law on the matter within half of next year. 
"When companies offer their services and products to the citizens of the EU is right that these companies adhere to European laws, including those governing the protection of personal data, regardless of where it is their headquarters," says Maas in the interview with the Financial Times . "Our priority is to safeguard the privacy of our citizens and our proposals are that the EU only with the consent of the Authority of the European data protection personal data of the users themselves can be transferred outside the European Union." 
Continue the Social Democratic Minister: "We are not afraid of Google, but as a state we have responsibilities, Google has a 95 percent market share of search engines, it is a percentage of outstanding ... his power over consumers and operators on markets is extraordinary, and competition, in our view, is to develop as free competition. A share of 95 per cent means domain monopolist, not competition. "Practical solution, suggests precisely Maas: make transparent the algorithms used by Google. In the extreme case, if you do not reach a compromise with the company Usa, Germany will ask the EU for exceptional measures and coercive, and reserves the right to do it unilaterally at the national level.
