Jaguar, desire to break records...

The new F-Type R Coupe AWD will attend the Bloodhound SSC World Land Speed Record

Jaguar F-Type R Coupe AWD
Jaguar F-Type R Coupe AWD

Jaguar hunt primates. The new F-Type R Coupe AWD will attend the Bloodhound SSC World Land Speed Record.
The car has just passed an important test of speed that marks the beginning of a partnership between Jaguar and The Bloodhound Project, with the goal of bringing the world record for land speed over 1,000 mph (1,600 km / h) contributing to call for the commitment of future generations of scientists. The current record was set by Andy Green at 763.035 mph, and was recorded in 1997 on board the Thrust SSCE Green himself will also drive the Bloodhound SuperSonic Car.

"Our goal with the use of four-wheel drive on the F-Type - said Ian Hoban, Jaguar's vehicle line director - was to maintain a driving rear-wheel drive, a very important aspect for the Jaguar sports and offer , at the same time, greater dynamism. The result is a manageable and drivable car at very high speeds in all weather and road conditions. "

Jaguar F-Type R Coupe AWD
F-Type R Coupe AWD
The car was driven at high revs by Richard Noble, Bloodhound project director and former holder of the World Land Speed Record: "We are thrilled to have Jaguar as the main partner of the Bloodhound project - said Noble - This is a great achievement, as Jaguar

is strongly committed to innovation, cutting-edge technologies, training and motor racing; So for us, it is the ideal partner. Together we have developed a team that works in great synergy and we are proud to have brought the Jaguar brand in the Bloodhound SSC through this important partnership. "

The F-Type R Coupe AWD features the same radio equipment on the Bloodhound SSC, and was driven at full speed, head-to-head with a jet flying at 500 knots just 50 feet off the ground. The final combined speed of almost 700 mph made it possible to successfully test the system that will allow communication between ground personnel and Andy Green on the Bloodhound SSC will race for the first time in the wilderness Hakskeen in twelve months.

At the upcoming LA Auto Show Jaguar will present its entire range in full force and to emphasize the importance of technical collaboration between Jaguar and the Bloodhound Project will also take Andy Green.
